Saturday 8 September 2012

"LOL Society"

Facebook. Twitter. MySpace. Flickr. Tumblr. Instagram. Bebo. What's App. Skype. BBM. Pigeon. (They still do that don't they?)

Today is the future people. A future where we live a life that is fast paced and action packed. A future where we are instantly communicating with one another from all four corners of our beloved planet. A poke here, a like there, can I get re-tweet?

That's right guys, when people look back on our generation in their history books many years from now,  we shall be known as the "LOL society". OMG guys, Dat is so kwl. 

Now as a fellow face inside the book, a trendy tweeter, an admirable I.M'er, I'm all for a like, a hashtag, and a time saving abbreviation every now and then. But when I'm having a face to face conversation with you, get the fuck out.

Yes. You've got it. It's the digital disease infecting our spoken word, contagiously spreading through countless, meaningless conversations frequently occuring in our airwaves. Many of us are caught by it, wether it be coining an LOL at the end of a humorous remark or sporadically peppering hashtags and OMG's creating some menial incoherent sentence. Regrettably, the way we use words and language amongst one another is extremely infectious, like the bubonic plague. Suddenly we are uncontrollably blurting them out like it's some mutated form of Tourette's.

There's no use for it outside of it's intended purpose so why do it? It's not like we have an infinite fleet of robotic twitter birds flying around recording our every hash tag, instantly uploading it to an ever growing tree of social networking. And the use of abbreviations needs cutting too. I recently discovered myself dropping an LOL bomb at the end of my spoken sentence. Furthermore, I suddenly felt the urge to punch myself in the face and jump out of a 4th floor window. I had desecrated a perfectly formed sentence using a wonderful language that works just fine as it is. Next thing we'll all be just talking in singular letters, abbreviating everything. None of us will ever be able to express ourselves in a way that we feel, because we'd of forgotten all of these complex wonderful words that we use today, instead replacing them with abbreviations of common 3 word phrases (FML). So unless for some odd reason it's a matter of life or death,  or we reach an eventuality where are phones are bio mechanically fused into the inside of our forearms recording and uploading our every word - (I'm confident this will happen), please stop. Let us keep it to the confines of our digital wonderful world and join me in the movement for conversation conservation!

NOTE: I would definitely advise everyone to leave the actions of poking and following within the digital realm too. Trust me.
