Friday 17 May 2013


Let me fill you in here firstly.

"At a gun legislation strategy meeting held at the White House recently, United States Vice President Joe Biden suggested there would be "no legal reason" why taxing violent video games such as 'Mortal Kombat' would be an issue."
The suggestion came from a Reverend Franklin Graham who attended the meeting with 19 other religious leaders.
Here I will present my first question. Why would a meeting on gun legislation be held in a closed room at the White House by Joe Biden with 20 religious representatives? Are guns now considered a religious staple in the U.S? Secondly, what is the logic behind this train of thought? There isn't any, is the answer to that question.
Biden spoke after the meeting suggesting that proceeds from the tax would go towards the victims of gun crimes and their families. That's great, how noble of you VP Biden, but I don't quite understand why millions of people should be forced into donating money purely for purchasing a form of media, in which there is no supporting evidence in its responsibility for the gun massacres so prevalent in your country's history.
Anyway, what has a game like Mortal Kombat got to do with gun crime? For those of you that don't know, Mortal Kombat is certainly a violent video game, which involves the excessive beating and mutilation of your opponent with the help of mythical creatures and ninja like characters. Now if you can find someone who was decapitated by a giant man lizard or had their spine ripped out by a ninja with his bare hands, then get your dollar signed bags out and I'll cough up.
Video games are protected in the same way that all other media is under the First Amendment of the U.S Constitution. So if violent video games get taxed, does that mean that films and T.V shows will too?
Let me take you back to the Aurora shooting of 2012 in the state of Colorado where James Holmes, killed 12 people in a cinema during a showing of the latest Batman film 'The Dark Knight Rises'. Holmes used an array of weapons ranging from tear gas to a 12-gauge tactical shotgun. Allegedly Holmes referred to himself  as 'The Joker', the most famed villain in the comic's history. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but going by Biden's logic (and I use the word logic very loosely here) it is Batman that is responsible, and so the only 'logical' direction to take is to tax all purchases of the films in the Batman series. BatTax.
Well, so far, the two best suggestions to tackle gun crime is the idea proposed above, and a very instructive video, which i present to you here, on how to survive an active shooting. This is quite frankly, ridiculous. 
I would also like to note that in 2012, incase you spent the year with your head in a bucket, Adam Lanza was responsible for the second deadliest shooting massacre in U.S history, with this;

I have an idea. It's a bold one, you could almost say profound. Maybe, just maybe the problem lies with guns. Yes. The actual guns themselves.
It is an outside bet, but I am certainly willing to take it.

Saturday 8 September 2012

"LOL Society"

Facebook. Twitter. MySpace. Flickr. Tumblr. Instagram. Bebo. What's App. Skype. BBM. Pigeon. (They still do that don't they?)

Today is the future people. A future where we live a life that is fast paced and action packed. A future where we are instantly communicating with one another from all four corners of our beloved planet. A poke here, a like there, can I get re-tweet?

That's right guys, when people look back on our generation in their history books many years from now,  we shall be known as the "LOL society". OMG guys, Dat is so kwl. 

Now as a fellow face inside the book, a trendy tweeter, an admirable I.M'er, I'm all for a like, a hashtag, and a time saving abbreviation every now and then. But when I'm having a face to face conversation with you, get the fuck out.

Yes. You've got it. It's the digital disease infecting our spoken word, contagiously spreading through countless, meaningless conversations frequently occuring in our airwaves. Many of us are caught by it, wether it be coining an LOL at the end of a humorous remark or sporadically peppering hashtags and OMG's creating some menial incoherent sentence. Regrettably, the way we use words and language amongst one another is extremely infectious, like the bubonic plague. Suddenly we are uncontrollably blurting them out like it's some mutated form of Tourette's.

There's no use for it outside of it's intended purpose so why do it? It's not like we have an infinite fleet of robotic twitter birds flying around recording our every hash tag, instantly uploading it to an ever growing tree of social networking. And the use of abbreviations needs cutting too. I recently discovered myself dropping an LOL bomb at the end of my spoken sentence. Furthermore, I suddenly felt the urge to punch myself in the face and jump out of a 4th floor window. I had desecrated a perfectly formed sentence using a wonderful language that works just fine as it is. Next thing we'll all be just talking in singular letters, abbreviating everything. None of us will ever be able to express ourselves in a way that we feel, because we'd of forgotten all of these complex wonderful words that we use today, instead replacing them with abbreviations of common 3 word phrases (FML). So unless for some odd reason it's a matter of life or death,  or we reach an eventuality where are phones are bio mechanically fused into the inside of our forearms recording and uploading our every word - (I'm confident this will happen), please stop. Let us keep it to the confines of our digital wonderful world and join me in the movement for conversation conservation!

NOTE: I would definitely advise everyone to leave the actions of poking and following within the digital realm too. Trust me.


Tuesday 21 August 2012


So I'm sat here, at the train station, in a town called Bridgwater, well known for its picturesque views and traditional past times such as shoplifting and unemployment.

It has come to my attention that my usual 18:19 first great western service to Cardiff central calling at Weston-Super-Mare, has been cancelled due to a train fault. Not only has the man announced this to me on several occasions in a short window of time, but he also took the pleasure in telling me that the next train arriving at my platform does not stop here. Twice. That's right, rub it in why don't you, let all of us sit here in misery because you can't even be bothered to arrange a replacement bus service or any consolidation what so ever. You might as well of showed up with custard pies, thrown them in our faces and urinated all over us and posted it on YouTube.

If you want to know what the train service was like 30 years ago, go on one now. 

No wonder why the conductors are so miserable all the time, because they take the rap for a company that's disorganised and operates so negatively. 

They ask you for your ticket, then when you tell them you were running late, apologise, and offer to buy one using your card, they look at you like you've just banged their wife while leaving teeth marks in the headboard of a bed they still havent paid for, ate their food and patted their child on the head on the way out. It's remarkable. I assume they must get treated just as bad as employees as we do passengers.

Still though, choosing between my train being late and living life as a conductor, I pick the late train. Because that, would be really shit.


Ok folks, it's that time of the year again. That's right, you've guessed it,  the corporate engineered machine that is X-factor is back on our boxes for the entertainment of the masses. The kind of machine where you put a pig in one end and sausages come out the other. It's mildly humorous when Dermot O'Leary is on screen too, because you always catch a glimmer of self loathing and guilt in his expression, a self realisation slowly eating him up inside that he is part of something immoral.

Isn't it just getting shitter each year, ever feeling more generic than the last? Louis is getting more senile, Gary is still talking in his monotonous manchunian ways and Tulisa and Nicole are still every bit annoying as they are relatively pleasing to the eye (wahey). But wait, we have the arrival of a guest judge (once again). Who could it be? It's Mel B everybody! One fifth of the girl group that rocketed to mega super poppy stardom. Fantastic.

Now if you haven't gathered already, I'm one for cynicism. But Mel B takes it to a whole new level.  Don't get me wrong, when something needs to be said then it should be. But there is telling somebody how it is, and then there's doing it by spitting in their face, killing their cat, and taking a big steamy dump in their immediate presence while doing it in the process. The latter is most certainly the method of Mel B.

But seriously, where does she get off? "Yeh no totally Mel B, I'll definitely take on board your critism of me as a solo artist, taking into consideration the illustrious solo career you fulfilled post spice girls. Yeh. Cheers."

She clearly  isn't a people person. I can envision her sitting all alone in her big house, surrounded by cats watching Beverly hills cop over and over again on a massive television wondering where it all went wrong.


Monday 20 August 2012

The Only Way Is Essex?

In the beginning, God created man.

I'm starting to believe that he shouldn't of bothered.

Now now Louis, lets not be unfair, you should watch an episode first. So I did. Before writing up about TOWIE and all it's glamour and glory, I thought I should probably watch one episode from beginning to end to try and understand its deep underlying meaning within (insert sarcasm here).

I'm not really sure what to say, or even how to comprehend it. Are there lots of people like this? If so how many? Are they infecting the minds of our impressionable youth? If the answers are "yes, lots, and SHUT UP!" Then please, do the honour of passing me the sawn off shotgun along with a bag to put on my head.

I get the impression that often in this programme, the idea is that they are having conversations about real issues in their lives, except in completely set up situations. It really is one of the most surreal things I've yet to behold. Does the director call cut and take more than one shot on what are supposed to be naturally occurring conversations? It's the biggest headfuck I've experienced. I just don't get it.

Furthermore, the stupidity displayed by these "people" is unbounded.

"I can't tell the time"

"I can't imagine being locked up in prison for like, 20 odd hours a day"

These are commonplace sentences that are lavishly blurted out in TOWIE. Oh and for the record Sam, (if that is even your real name) there are 24 hours in a day, and prisoners happen to be locked up for that entire time. It's like they are living in a giant bubble that's forever floating away from reality and humanity. Or living in a giant dome like the Truman show.

That's it. I've got it. It's The Truman Show. Except it's really shit.

Friday 22 October 2010

"Vegetarians" who are not.

Now I can understand vegetarianism and some of the reasons why a person would adopt it in their life. What I don't get is the multiple categories within so called "vegetarians".

A) Vegans. The hardcore. The fundamentalists. The Al Quaeda of Vegetarianism.

B) Vegetarians.

C) Vegetarians who eat chicken.

D) Vegetarians who eat fish.

E) Vegetarians who eat eggs.

I'd just like to point out to you veggies out there that if you fall under any of the last 3, then by using extensive research and long contemplation it is safe to come to the conclusion that you are NOT a fucking vegetarian. The last time I checked, a chicken was a life form, and so was a fish. Just in case you didn't know, again through long, arduous research, a fish lives in the sea!

Oh yeh, and all you vegetarians that eat eggs? The vegetarians that won't eat an animal but will quite happily eat the unborn embryo of one. You're the worst kind. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Thursday 21 October 2010


I really don't get people who order bacon, and then complain about the fat, and end up eating one mouthful of bacon, leaving the rest. I mean honestly? What is the god forsaken point? You might as well of ordered a sausage, because you'll eat that wont you? Even though its processed and only 30-45% of it is actually pork meat, and is worse than eating the bacon fat. In fact, you probably dont realise that the sausage has pork fat in it, probably even more so than what you've left off your bacon. Retard.

"You gonna eat that mate?"