Friday 22 October 2010

"Vegetarians" who are not.

Now I can understand vegetarianism and some of the reasons why a person would adopt it in their life. What I don't get is the multiple categories within so called "vegetarians".

A) Vegans. The hardcore. The fundamentalists. The Al Quaeda of Vegetarianism.

B) Vegetarians.

C) Vegetarians who eat chicken.

D) Vegetarians who eat fish.

E) Vegetarians who eat eggs.

I'd just like to point out to you veggies out there that if you fall under any of the last 3, then by using extensive research and long contemplation it is safe to come to the conclusion that you are NOT a fucking vegetarian. The last time I checked, a chicken was a life form, and so was a fish. Just in case you didn't know, again through long, arduous research, a fish lives in the sea!

Oh yeh, and all you vegetarians that eat eggs? The vegetarians that won't eat an animal but will quite happily eat the unborn embryo of one. You're the worst kind. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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