Wednesday 20 October 2010

Car comparison adverts and webuyanycar...

Who, in their right fucking mind got employed to brainstorm and create these adverts. I mean honestly, what was going through their minds when they were posting their ideas...

"Hold on guys, I've got it!"


"Lets make a guy who in physical appearance is a cross from a young pavorotti and super mario, get him to sing go compare in opera, with a weak italian accent. Then we can change the location from where he sings so the idea never gets old!"

"That's fucking brilliant!"

I'm sure thats how the conversation went. 

It's not fucking brilliant, and the idea is now most definitely old. In fact, admittedly I gave out a small "hmph" the first time I saw it. the kind of hmph I give out when I see a new flavour of walkers crisps or something. After a while, (I say a while) in about a week I wanted to shoot the inane, one dimensional, talentless, pavo-mario prick in the face. Come another week, I wanted to shoot me in the face. Not a lot of adverts make me wanna shoot me in the face, so they've made an impact to a certain extent, which I'll give them credit for.

And Quite possibly the most annoying jingle in any advert of all time. I seriously don't understand these marketing people. Yes, you made a tune which does drill into the core of my brain so I remember it. The problem is when I listen to it, it feels like a fucking drill tunneling to the core of my brain. Effective advertising? No. I hate you. you will never by a car that I own ever. The only way you will ever obtain one of my cars, is when I drive it through your office at 60mph slaughtering your employees. Buy that you cunts.

Now a russian meerkat, that I can deal with. Not only does he attain mild humour, he provides a valuable service in comparing meerkats for all those meerkat owners out there. You know who you are!

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